Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Kathy Stemke, a retired teacher, children’s author, and dancer, has been writing poetry most of her life. Her poems have been published in several anthologies and in The Abandon Towers Ezine. Her poem, “An Empty Stage,” was voted in the top ten in the 2009 Predators and Editors Poll.You can sign up on her blog: http://educationtipster.blogspot.com/


Every word has a certain destiny.
Some, dark and cancerous, destroy you.
Others, thieves, rob your serenity.

Carefully calculated, deceptive words
do harm, righteous on the outside,
inside they have a heart of fear.

Filter words of separation and elitism,
words that divide nations and people.
prejudice always brings death.

God's eternal words have a destiny.
they soften the dry, stony places.
They heal your innermost hurts and fears.

Peaceful words bring tranquility.
Encouraging words bring confidence.
Merciful words bring forgiveness.

Stop each word before it leaves your lips,
inspect it, replace it if necessary,
then release it to its certain destiny!

Kathy Stemke


  1. Kathy, excellent poem and I love the message -- Words can certainly wound, and it behooves all of us to be careful of ours.


  2. Thanks for stopping by Margaret. It's so true, words can have a very sharp edge, or they can soften your woes. Tool or weapon, we must all decide. As usual kathy, a great poem.
